
Info recycled from the "builds" page:

OpenStack builds

These are TurnKey builds for the OpenStack cloud platform.


  • EBS auto-mounting support: we've updated our custom EBSmount mechanism for OpenStack, which automatically mounts EBS devices when attached.
  • Support for automating instance setup: via the user-data scripts mechanism.
  • Automatic APT configuration on boot: saves bandwidth costs by using the closest package archive for maximum performance.
  • SSH key support: instances that are launched with a key-pair will be configured accordingly.
  • SSH host key fingerprints displayed in system log: verification of server to prevent man-in-the-middle (mitm) attacks.
  • Randomly generated root password: is set on first boot, and displayed in the system log **.
  • Randomly generated mysql/postgres passwords: the MySQL root and/or PostgreSQL postgres passwords are set to to the same random password as root **.
  • Instance metadata python library and CLI: used internally, but useful for advanced users. (learn more).

** Because OpenStack builds are used in headless deployments (without a console), they include an inithook which preseeds default values, and random passwords.

See the OpenStack builds announcement for more details.

For updated info please see this comment.

See also Uploading and Launching TurnKey Linux on OpenStack.