Julien's picture

Hello, I just deployed the Turnkey revision control appliance on WMWare.

Everything was fine, but I cannot access to my Subversion repository with a Tortoise SVN client.

When I'm trying to connect throught Tortoise SVN to the http://[serveraddress]/svn, the client tell me the following message :


Error: Repository moved permanently to 'http://[serveraddress]/svn/'; please relocate  
So I cannot figure out why this message happens. Any idea?
Thanks all
Liraz Siri's picture

http://[serveraddress]/svn is the web front-end. You want to use svn://[serveraddress]/svn if you're using a Subversion client.
Kevin L. Johnson's picture

Any progress on this since July.  I've tried just about every combination permutation of snytax I can think of.

I will post back if I get it figure out

Thanks in advance - KLJ

Adrian Moya's picture

The syntax would be svn://[serveraddress]/svn/RepoName

To create the repo, ssh to the server, and issue the following commands:

cd /srv/repos/svn
svnadmin create RepoName

You can then use the http explorer to check that the repo is created. Then, you simply checkout your repo using tortoise svn. 

Also, recommended structure for a repo would be 3 folders named trunk, tags and branches. Check the svn documentation for details. You can create those folders using tortoise svn explorer and then checkout svn://[serveraddress]/svn/RepoName/trunk

Hope it helps

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