Hello world

$ cat > jobs << 'EOF'
hello world

$ cat jobs | cloudtask echo executed: 
About to launch 1 cloud server to execute the following task:

  Parameter       Value
  ---------       -----

  jobs            3 (hello .. hello world)
  command         echo executed:
  hub-apikey      BXFAVBHUEVHMCDQ
  ec2-region      us-east-1
  ec2-size        m1.small
  ec2-type        s3
  user            root
  backup-id       -
  workers         -
  overlay         -
  post            -
  pre             -
  timeout         -
  report          -

Is this really what you want? [yes/no] yes
session 1 (pid 22749)
# 2011-08-11 03:51:08 [] launched new worker
# 2011-08-11 03:51:09 [] echo executed: hello
executed: hello
Connection to closed.
# 2011-08-11 03:51:09 [] exit 0 # echo executed: hello

# 2011-08-11 03:51:09 [] echo executed: world
executed: world
Connection to closed.
# 2011-08-11 03:51:09 [] exit 0 # echo executed: world

# 2011-08-11 03:51:09 [] echo executed: hello world
executed: hello world
Connection to closed.
# 2011-08-11 03:51:09 [] exit 0 # echo executed: hello world

session 1: 3 jobs in 11 seconds (3 succeeded, 0 failed)
# 2011-08-11 03:51:10 [] destroyed worker