3rd party SSL/TLS certs on TurnKey: convert CER/P7B to PEM

Stuart recently asked via support how to use third party .cer or .p7b SSL/TLS certificates with TurnKey v14.x.

As I don't run any permanent websites, I'm not super familiar with different certificate formats. My only experience really has been through my years with TurnKey and I've only ever encountered the text file .pem certs. So I did a quick bit of research to help Stuart out. I figured that seeing as it's been a little while since I wrote a blog post and this info may be useful for others, I wrote it up. :)

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Tips for a cleaner chrome

As I discussed in a previous post (custom search engines for efficiency), I love simple tweaks that provide an improved workflow, don't make me think, and reclaim wasted screen real-estate.

With the release of Firefox 4, namely the new App Tab feature, I decided I would share some tips I've been using in Google Chrome, hoping others will find them useful.

Pictures are worth a thousand words, so:


Prevent double click on form submission

Recently I've been going over the Hub logs and fixing issues which have caused exceptions to be raised in the application.

One in particular had me stumped for a while. An exception was being raised in an attempt to unregister a server from the Hub, but the server did not exist in the database - in theory this is impossible and should never happen.

On good web design

A few months ago I was looking for ways to improve the TurnKey web site. I spent a lot of time researching good web site design online by:

  1. studying the theory of web site design from such resources as "a list apart".
  2. "reverse engineering" the design of existing successful web sites:
    • Good.is online magazine / community
    • The Wordpress blog
    • Techcrunch
    • A List Apart (they're the experts on web site design and usability)

I payed especially close attention to the social aspects of the web sites I was studying as I was interested in improving the social experience on the TurnKey web site as well.

I wanted to improve my understanding of good web design in general. Not just for my work on the TurnKey web site. By then we were discussing our ideas for the TurnKey Hub and it was clear it would come in handy for that as well.

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Tip: use custom search engines for efficiency

I don't need to tell you how search improves our efficiency on the web, but using custom search engines can make your day even more efficient.
Configuring your browser to use custom search engines is a massive time gain, and improves your work flow.
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PNG vs JPG: 6 simple lessons you can learn from our mistakes

Page load times are important. Amazon insiders estimate that every 100 ms increase in latency costs Amazon roughly %1 of profit.

Simply put: visitors hate slow sites, so don't make them wait.

Unfortunately, many web sites, including this one up until recently, are slowed down by inefficiently encoded images. Note that there are many other components to page load times and if you're looking to optimize your web site you should analyze and understand all of them. But today we're just going to focus on the images.