TKLBAM hooks

This document page is based on this blog post.

TKLBAM has a nifty, general purpose hooks mechanism you can use to trigger useful actions on backup and restore.

Examples of hooks:

  • Cleaning up temporary files
  • Stopping/starting services to increase data consistency
  • Encoding/decoding data from non-supported databases
  • Using LVM to create/restore a snapshot of a fast changing volume

The hooks mechanism was originally developed so we could fix a few issues indirectly related to the usability of TKLBAM. In particular, our very first beta users reported that sometimes tklbam-restore would fail to find any backup volumes. When we investigated this turned out to be a clock discrepancy. The obvious solution was to sync the clock before starting the restore, but the more I thought about it the more the idea of hardwiring that ntpdate stuff rubbed me the wrong way. For a few reasons:

  • It's an auxiliary problem, not a core issue with TKLBAM's logic
  • I'm offline much of the time during development so I needed some way to turn this off, but I don't want to add more testing-specific code unless it's absolutely necessary.
  • It's OK if a specific server (e.g., is the default, but there should be some way to configure it if a user, for example, wants to use an internal NTP server.

I tried to think of a clean way to achieve these simple goals in a clean way (e.g., cli options, environment variables, configuration files), but everything I came up with was just so darn ugly.

Then I realized that a hooks mechanism would solve this problem in a simple, generic way.


/etc/tklbam/hooks.d may contains executables (e.g., scripts) that will be run by tklbam before and after two operations (currently):

  1. backup
  2. restore

Two arguments are passed to the hooks:

  1. operation: restore/backup
  2. state: pre/post

Non zero exitcodes raise a HookError.


In one stroke, solve the clock problem and also lets advanced users define their own hooks to take care of things TKLBAM doesn't (e.g., stopping IO intensive processes before backup, encoding/decoding unsupported databases, etc.)

Example fixclock hook

import os
import sys
import executil
from string import Template

NTPSERVER = os.environ.get("NTPSERVER", "")

ERROR_TPL = """\

Amazon S3 and Duplicity need a UTC synchronized clock so we invoked the
following command::


Unfortunately, something went wrong...


def fixclock():
    command = "ntpdate -u " + NTPSERVER

    except executil.ExecError, e:
        msg = Template(ERROR_TPL).substitute(COMMAND=command,

        print >> sys.stderr, msg,

def main():
    op, state = sys.argv[1:]

    if op in ('restore', 'backup') and state == 'pre':

if __name__ == "__main__":

For additional info, discussion and commentary please see the original blog post by Liraz.