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Integrated SCM & Project Management

Redmine is a Rails web application that provides integrated project management features, issue tracking, and support for multiple version control programs. It includes calendar and gantt charts to aid visual representation of projects and their deadlines. It also features multi-project support, role based access control, a per-project wiki, and project forums.

Appliance category: 

((OTRS)) Community Edition

Ticket Request System

((OTRS)) Community Edition (Znuny) is a Ticket Request System (also well known as trouble ticket system) with many features to manage customer telephone calls and e-mails. The system is built to allow your support, sales, pre-sales, billing, internal IT, helpdesk, etc. department to react quickly to inbound inquiries.


Self Hosted Git Management & DevOps Toolchain

GitLab is a single application for the entire software development lifecycle. From project planning and source code management to CI/CD, monitoring, and security. GitLab provides Git based version control, packaged with a complete DevOps toolchain. Somewhat like GitHub, but much, much more.

Appliance category: 


Bug Tracking System

Bugzilla is a Web-based general-purpose bugtracker and testing tool originally developed and used by the Mozilla project. One of Bugzilla's major attractions to developers is its lightweight implementation and speed. Many projects use it to track feature requests as well. Bugs can be submitted by anybody, and will be assigned to a particular developer.


Workflow & BPM software

ProcessMaker helps business analysts improve workflow performance by discovering and analyzing process inefficiencies and bottlenecks. Automated notifications and an intuitive drag-and-drop web interface allow users to easily interact with your form-driven processes. Managers receive KPIs and metrics from reports and dashboards.


Getting Things Done (GTD) Application

Tracks is a web-based application implemented in Rails to help you implement David Allen's Getting Things Done methodology. Features include multi-user support, a powerful todo list, RSS syndication, tagging and starring support, and progress graphs.


Agile collaborative development

iceScrum is a web application for using Scrum, the most popular agile development method, while keeping the spirit of a collaborative workspace. It also offers virtual boards with post-its for sprint backlog, product backlog and others.


Integrated SCM & Project Management

Please note: TurnKey Trac is not currently available from the TurnKey software appliance library.

The TurnKey Linux Trac appliance has been discontinued (hopefully temporarily) due to some upstream technical issues involving outdated dependencies. Now that those issues have been resolved, we hope to revive this appliance in the near future. Unfortunately, due to internal resource limitations and other priorities, there is no ETA of when it may be available again. Thank you for your understanding.

We warmly welcome any community contributions to assist us to get the Trac appliance available again.

In the meantime, please check out some our other Revision Control, Issue Tracking and and Project Management appliances.

Appliance category: 


Issue Tracking System

Roundup is a simple-to-use and powerful issue-tracking system with command-line, web and e-mail interfaces. Roundup is being used for bug tracking and TODO list management, issue management, customer help desk support, and sales lead tracking.

Appliance category: 


Bug Tracking System

MantisBT is a free popular web-based bug tracking system. It has a rich feature set including source control integration, support for email notification and RSS feeds, internationalization, issue tracking, multi-level access control, built-in search engine, report generation and much more.
