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Appliance category: 


Open Source Project Management

Please note: Collabtive has been removed from the TurnKey software appliance library.

The Collabtive software is no longer being maintained by the upstream developer and has not had a stable release for a number of years. It is not compatible with the currently supported PHP versions and likely has unpatched security issues.

Please check out some our other alternative Issue tracking and Project Management appliances.

This page remains for historical purposes only

LAMP Stack

Web Stack (MySQL)

LAMP stack is a popular open source web platform commonly used to run dynamic web sites and servers. It includes Linux, Apache, MariaDB (MySQL drop-in replacement), and PHP/Python/Perl. It is considered by many, as the platform of choice for development and deployment of high performance web applications which require a solid and reliable foundation.

Appliance category: 


Blog Publishing Platform

WordPress is a state-of-the-art publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. It is one of the worlds most popular blog publishing applications, includes tons of powerful core functionality, extendable via literally thousands of plugins, and supports full theming.

Appliance category: 


Network Management and Monitoring

Observium is an autodiscovering SNMP based network monitoring platform written in PHP which includes support for a wide range of network hardware and operating systems including Cisco, Windows, Linux, HP, Dell, FreeBSD, Juniper, Brocade, Netscaler, NetApp and many more.

File Server

Simple Network Attached Storage

An easy to use file server that combines Windows-compatible network file sharing with a web based file manager. TurnKey File Server includes support for SMB, SFTP, NFS, WebDAV and rsync file transfer protocols. The server is configured to allow server users to manage files in private or public storage. Based on Samba and WebDAV CGI.

VPN solution built with OpenVPN® Community Edition

Open Source VPN solution

OpenVPN® Community Edition provides a full-featured open source SSL/TLS Virtual Private Network (VPN). The TurnKey Linux VPN software appliance leverages the open source 'openvpn-server', 'openvpn-client' and 'easy-rsa' software (developed by OpenVPN® Inc.) to support "site-to-site" or "gateway" access. "Site-to-site" can link 2 otherwise unconnected LANs; suitable for multi-site enterprise networks or linkage to an Amazon VPC. "Gateway" configuration can secure traffic across public and/or insecure wifi connections and/or provide a secure solution for remote work scenarios.

Appliance category: 

Domain Controller

free Active Directory server

A Samba4-based Active Directory-compatible domain controller that supports printing services and centralized Netlogon authentication for Windows systems, without requiring Windows Server. Since 1992, Samba has provided a secure and stable free software re-implementation of standard Windows services and protocols (SMB/CIFS).

Appliance category: 


Share files, music, calendar

ownCloud helps store your files, folders, contacts, photo galleries, calendars and more on a server of your choosing. Access that folder from your mobile device, your desktop, or a web browser. Access your data wherever you are, when you need it.


Integrated SCM & Project Management

Redmine is a Rails web application that provides integrated project management features, issue tracking, and support for multiple version control programs. It includes calendar and gantt charts to aid visual representation of projects and their deadlines. It also features multi-project support, role based access control, a per-project wiki, and project forums.

Appliance category: 


Open Source Directory Services

OpenLDAP is an open source implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) developed by the OpenLDAP Project, a collaborative effort to develop a robust, commercial-grade, fully featured, and open source LDAP suite of applications and development tools.
