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gFunk - Wed, 2011/01/12 - 13:47
Just installed TKMoodle on a VirtualBox v3.2.8 running in Ubuntu 10.04LTS Desktop.
Installation was smooth and was able to login as admin to the newly installed moodle site.
The main menu lists the menu items and i think i noticed a problem when i tried to add users
using the Users > Accounts > Add a new user link. I was just merely presented with a blank page.
I tried logging out and logging in again and did the same thing yet it still presents me with the same
thing. I noticed that other menu items also behaves in the same way:
- Upload users
- Add new course category
and some others but i think they do present the same root cause.
I'd like to know what's wrong.
What version are you using? When did you download?
We transitioned to moodle2 after 11.0 was uploaded, so I re-uploaded a new ISO and replaced the old one. You might be using the affected version. See here for details.
verifying the replacement
I downloaded and installed the turnkey-moodle-11.0rc-lucid-x86.iso. Is that the re-uploaded new ISO replacing the old one? If it's not where can I download it?
Thanks again :)
Latest release: 11.0
The latest released version is 11.0 (not the RC), use the link specified on the moodle appliance page.
how embarassing
Hiya! How embarassing to have found out i downloaded the release candidates.
Thanks for the support! Onwards TK! :)
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