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Submitted by Guest on Fri, 2010/10/15 - 07:41
In New TurnKey LAMP Stack version (2009.10-2) I can't find possibility to connect by LDAP to active directory. Could someone explain me how to add this possibility to this distribution ?
Try looking for the package
I don't have this appliance and don't remember the package in hardy, but you can try searching the package with:
And see the results. Then, install the corresponding package as usual.
Hope this helps
Here's how to install
The package is php5-ldap so install like this:
How you then actually go about configuring and connecting I have no idea. If you keep in mind that the current stable TKL version (2009.10-2) is based on Ubuntu 8.04/Hardy server then anything you read that relates to that should apply in principal.
If you get it all worked out perhaps post back so others can benefit from your experience.
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