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Hi! I want to create a PHP site with added SMS functionality (dating services site). I was suggested a gateway to use as the engine (google: I will use Mysql database to puit the records in it.
As the documentation mentions PHP website can send SMS messages by simply placing records into a mysql database table called ozekimessageout. So I can create HTML form, that the visitors of the website will fill in. When the form is submitted I am able to create record in the ozekimessagout database table using an SQL INSERT statement. See example:
<H1> Send an SMS </H1>
$phonenum = $_GET['phonenum'];
$messagetext = $_GET['messagetext'];
if ($phonenum<>'') {
$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", 'ozeki', 'abc123');
if (!$conn) {
die('Could not connect to database ' . mysql_error());
$sql = "INSERT INTO ozekimessageout (receiver,msg,status) ".
"VALUES ('$phonenum','$messagetext','send')";
echo "The message has been submitted for sending <br><br>";
<FORM action=send.php METHOD=GET>
Mobil phone number:
<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="16" NAME="phonenum" VALUE="+44777888999">
<TEXTAREA NAME="messagetext" ROWS=5 COLS=40>Hello world</TEXTAREA>
To receive SMS messages all Ihave to do is select the records from the ozekimessagin database table. This can be done by issuing a simple SQL SELECT statement.
<H1>List incoming messages</H1>
$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", 'ozeki', 'abc123');
$sql = "SELECT sender,senttime,msg FROM ozekimessagein ORDER BY senttime desc";
$res = mysql_query($sql);
$cn = mysql_num_rows($res);
for ($x=0;$x<$cn;$x++) {
list ($sender,$senttime,$msg) = mysql_fetch_row($res);
echo "<li>$senttime, <b>$sender</b>, $msg";
Maybe you can get some useful idea from this description and if you have better solutions to insert or select records into Mysql database, please share with me.
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