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Dear all,
first of all I would like to thanks to the turnkeylinux team all the effort to make this possible. It is great to have the opportunity to run this complex configurations just in seconds.
I have been playing around the openbravo turnkey and I have found it really interesting. It took me just a few hours to install vmware server (get to know it) and install the turnkey image to use it. Amazing!
One of my first investigation is how to change all of this to Spanish. I have succeed with the keyboard map change, but I have some troubles about openbravo it self.
I got this error following the openbravo wiki about language module installation (please see screen shots also).
Error: org.apache.ddlutils.DdlUtilsException: /var/lib/tomcat5.5/webapps/openbravo/src-db/database/model/tables/AD_MODULE.xml (No such file or directory) : /var/lib/tomcat5.5/webapps/openbravo/src-db/database/model/tables/AD_MODULE.xml
I wonder if this error is due to the way that the turnkey is created or because a openbravo issue itself. It seems that this file is not available but I don't know how to get it from the console of the turnkey distribution. It happens for every module I try to install (not only for language).
How can openbravo be updated via console? Have anyone a tip on this issue?
Thanks in advance.
Filed a bug report
Thanks for reporting this, this may be a bug so I filed a bug report. Unfortunately OpenBravo isn't in Debian or Ubuntu officially yet so the TurnKey OpenBravo appliance was built from the OpenBravo ISV PPA repository, which is a bit of a work in progress. Using a PPA package is better than nothing but the trade off is that the result you get is a bit hard to upgrade. Newer versions of the OpenBravo package in that PPA won't install in Hardy LTS. You can try to upgrade from source but that may be a headache. Hopefully the next version of this appliance will be based on a new version of Ubuntu LTS with an all new version of the OpenBravo package. Fingers crossed it will even be officially supported in Ubuntu and we'll get automatic security updates.
Crossed fingers
Thank you so much. Here we cross fingers too
, we found really interesting this turnkey you have provide. Thanks again for your time.
Best regards,
Any short-term fixes?
You probably won't get any help here
Not being rude or anything, just that this is Turnkey Linux. The current version v11 (11.2 specifically) is based on Ubuntu 10.04 (v13 will be based on 12.04) so it is unlikely that you wll get any help re 11.10.
Out of interest, have you tried the TKL OpenBravo appliance? Like I said it's Ubuntu 10.04 with quite a few customisations, including Webmin (a server admin WebUI), Webshell (a browser based shell) and OpenBravo preinstalled and configured, available as an ISO, VM image or can be launched into the cloud. Check it out.
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