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First of all, thanks to Turnkey creators for so many useful images.
I am assuming that most of these images/appliances were created using tklpatch. Is there a place I can find these scripts so I could customize them if I wanted to. I looked at the code section of the site, but couldn't find them there. This may also be helpful for people who want to combine multiple apps into one appliance and I see on the previous posts that quite a few people have an interest in being able to combine multiple apps in one appliance. Or is this something proprietary and not open to other developers?
Being a newbie, it is possible that this question has already been answered somewhere or those scripts do exist somewhere. Would appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction in that case.
Thanks again and keep up the good work.
Internal build process not based on tklpatch
Instead imagine an organic conglomeration of software repositories, build machines, and glue code that has been constantly evolving/patched in response to the challenges we've faced during development.
In its current state trying to export that into something others can/will use is a significant undertaking and perhaps more trouble than it's worth given the alternatives. We developed TKLPatch because we wanted to get more developers on board but understood that our messy and complex multi-machine setup would be unpractical for the casual developer to reproduce.
OTOH, we're not really happy about that and at some point we'd like to look into making it possible for TurnKey to build itself from a set of meta-appliances. Before we do that I think it'll make sense to improve the infrastructure and simplify it. Maybe even re-engineer it from scratch, but that's again a big undertaking that doesn't help end-users directly. Should be a fun project though - when we get to it.
By contrast, TKLPatch is several orders of magnitude simpler and is something a casual developer can use today to tweak stuff to his liking and get involved in the framework of the project.
Tarun beat me to it
Thanks for clarifying that as I was thiking of asking a similar question (but for a different purpose - I'm really keen to use a 64 bit Debiian TKL instance as a base for something I've got in mind). As I've seen somewhere else though 64 bit appliances won't be too far away - "a couple of months after lucid based releases" then I'll just be patient! :)
As far as I can tell, most of the Turnkey appliances are PHP based applications. Coming from a Java background, the reason for my asking this question was to explore the possibility of creating appliances that combined these excellent applications with Java web applications - open source and otherwise. Since Java application server provides a much more predictable "containerized" environment for applications, coming up with a generic framework to deploy apps in the cloud should be a fun project.
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