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Miles - Fri, 2012/08/17 - 20:54
I have a turnkeylinux LAMP stack, and installed Jenkins on it. I moved Jenkins to port 80, and changed apache to port 8080. After doing so, the hyperlinks in the index.php page didn't work, because they showed up as https://server:8080:12320, instead of https://server:12320
The fix was super easy, just added a regex to strip off the existing colon and port number.
<a href="https://<?php print $_SERVER{'HTTP_HOST'}; ?>:12321"><img src="images/webmin.png"/>Webmin</a>
<a href="https://<?php print preg_replace('/:\d+$/', '', $_SERVER{'HTTP_HOST'}); ?>:12321"><img src="images/webmin.png"/>Webmin</a>
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