bulek's picture



I've accidentally emptied config file and would like to get content of original one...

I'm on

Welcome to Redmine, TurnKey Linux 12.0 / Debian 6.0.7 Squeeze

Any way to recreate this config file ?

Thanks in advance,





Jeremy Davis's picture

etckeeper basically makes the whole etc directory under version control (git in the case of TKL).

So restoring your previous version of the config file should be a simple case of 'checking out' that file. Something like this should do the trick:

cd /etc
git checkout profftpd/profftpd.conf

Basically all the git commands will work (as etckeeper essentially makes /etc a git repository) so if you want to revert particular changes then you can do that too. A quick google turned up this page which looks like it could be pretty handy and give a few hints and clues...

bulek's picture


I get error and I'm don't know if I can solve this...

root@redmine /etc# git checkout proftpd/proftpd.conf
fatal: object d62a9dc6e1d50c1945736e5f66d3859ff5bb3d8e is corrupted
root@redmine /etc#

Any way to solve this error ?

Thanks in advance,




Jeremy Davis's picture

I am not aware of a way to fix that specifically (although it may be possible). I'd probably be a little concerned about why/how it got corrupted in the first place... If you are self hosting (i.e. installed to bare metal on as a local VM) I would be running a disk check on the filesystem and some diagnostics on the HDD and RAM (of the host if a VM). However it is possible that it was just shutdown uncleanly (i.e. lost power while running). Perhaps a filesystem check/clean will fix this?

My next suggestion would be to just uninstall and reinstall ProFTPd...

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