Mene's picture

Hi, im a little noob on linux

I try to set up my little torrent server and i try to mount (with webmin) a new mount to drop my finished download to my NAS shared folder (with user end pw).

Failed to save mount : Mount failed :

mount error(5): Input/output error
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)

i try to have it from consolle with:

mount -t cifs // /srv/storage/finish -o username=mene,password=*******

no work 

what i wrong?... plz help! :_(


Jeremy Davis's picture

But it should at least in theory work.

A few thoughts though. IIRC the fileserver appliance doesn't include the client side CIFs support OOTB, so that will need to be installed to start with:

apt-get update
apt-get install cifs-utils
Then once that is set up, the location where you are mounting it needs to exist already. I.e. make sure the directory exists:
mkdir -p /srv/storage/finish
Once you have that bit done, your commands should "just work"...

If not, can you please provide the explicit error you get when you try to mount it from the commandline.

Mene's picture


I put IP address into "Server Address" form... Automatic not work, damn it!

Jeremy Davis's picture

Glad to hear you got it worked out! Thanks for posting back.

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