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Mene - Tue, 2016/10/11 - 14:33
Hi, im a little noob on linux
I try to set up my little torrent server and i try to mount (with webmin) a new mount to drop my finished download to my NAS shared folder (with user end pw).
Failed to save mount : Mount failed :
mount error(5): Input/output error Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)
i try to have it from consolle with:
mount -t cifs // /srv/storage/finish -o username=mene,password=*******
no work
what i wrong?... plz help! :_(
I'm not very familiar with CIFS/SMB
A few thoughts though. IIRC the fileserver appliance doesn't include the client side CIFs support OOTB, so that will need to be installed to start with:
Then once that is set up, the location where you are mounting it needs to exist already. I.e. make sure the directory exists: Once you have that bit done, your commands should "just work"...If not, can you please provide the explicit error you get when you try to mount it from the commandline.
I put IP address into "Server Address" form... Automatic not work, damn it!
Glad to hear you got it worked out!
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