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Michael Dietz - Thu, 2023/04/20 - 22:58
What does everyone do continuously in a console to page up and down screens. The standard Shift+PageUp and Shift+PageDown doesn't seem to function (Well at least in Oracle VM Virtualbox)
If I'm missing a package I'd love to figure out what it is.
PS yeah I could use 'less' for individual commands but I'm looking to Scroll Up and Down on the screen like I normally can do in for example some term emulators.
TBH, not sure?!
Personally I use SSH to communicate with my servers (even local VMs). That gives a far better user experience IMO, rather than the "raw" terminal window. I'm a Linux user, so perhaps it doesn't work quite as well on Windows, but in my terminal I can scroll back through history with up/down arrow keys (line-by-line), mouse scroll wheel (3 lines at a time by default) or page up/down keys (page at a time - no shift modifier required).
Any recent Windows most likely already includes OpenSSH by default these days and if not, it's easy to install. I'm not sure, but I would assume that the terminal would then work the same as mine does?! The command is 'ssh'. E.g. (if your server IP is
PuTTY is another SSH client option and I'm almost certain that should "just work".
Having said that, I suspect if you install the VirtualBox tools then it would work as you expect. Unfortunately the VirtualBox tools aren't open source, so can't be pre-installed by default, but IIRC should be relatively easy to install (it's been ages since I used VirtualBox, but IIRC the install should include an ISO that can be mounted and the tools installed in the VM from there).
I hope that helps.
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