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I have been "trying" to move a Joomla3 TKL15.3 Joomla build up to a Joomla3 TKL17.x build.
Two times now I have run
tklbam restore (backup number)
Lots of things move and when I log in to the backend it looks like a mix of versions.
First thing that strikes me though is that Webmin indicates
Debian 11 before the restore. Debian 9 after the restore.
Joomla itself won't start... or at least it won't resolve in the IP# Web link off of
I will try some DNS changes. Perhaps some rewrites are causing this but doubt it.
Any thoughts on how to Move a Joomla3 forward so that it can then be upgraded to Joomla4.
I am stuck with my old server not responding to Let's Encrypt Updates. That server is on Linode. Willing to move to AWS as this seems hopefully a short term step.
Will post a separate comment about AWS Hub installs.
Thanks for all the hard work. I know there are new versions in the works.
I see you posted to my other Post.. Will move to other thread.
Do note though, post "full" TKLBAM restore
on Joomla
Webmin shows...
Debian 11 before the restore. Debian 9 after the restore.
My guess is that there is a file in the backup that shouldn't be
My guess is that there is a file in the backup that shouldn't be there. Perhaps /etc/os-release file? (FWIW it contains all the info about the Debian version).
Actually, I'm fairly sure that I'm right as I note that in the Core TKLBAM profile, both /etc/debian_version and /etc/turnkey_version are ommitted. However, I note that /etc/os-release is not mentioned there, meaning that it would be included in the backup
If possible, could you please double check that that file is in your backup? If you're playing with restore's anyway, you could try a restore excluding that file. I.e.:
If you're using limits already, just include that (space separated).
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