Peter Goodall's picture


I just created an lxc container using the debian-11-turnkey-gitea_17.2-1_amd64.tar.gz template

When I started it using the proxmox console, i was asked to change the password for root.

I did that, and can login from my workstation terminal to the appliance using root@<appliance ip> and the ssh key I entered when I created the appliance.

When I try to login using the web interface: https://<appliance ip> I cannot login using user gitea or root.

I tried ssh forcing password login with my original long, secure :) password which included symbols. I could not login. I simplified and shortened the password. I then could login

ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=password -o PubkeyAuthentication=no root@gitea -v 
Other options in ssh config.

I could not login to the web interface as either gitea or root with the new password.

If I login using ssh and ls /home there is only a 'git' user.


During the console initial login - I saw no mention of a gitea user.

I have spent a couple of hours on this, and have got nowhere. Can someone tell me how to set-up to login on a proxmox lxc container using the provided template please...



Timmy's picture

tried ssh forcing password login with my original long, secure :) password which included symbols. I could not login. I simplified and shortened the password. I then could login

That makes me think there was some limit on password size. That or one of the symbols you used was not allowed but the setup config didn't catch it. Big J will likely have better information than my speculation.


I could not login to the web interface as either gitea or root with the new password.

I don't think the gitea user can log into the port 12321 webmin interface. Conversely, root has no user in the gitea application itself. So depending on when web interface you are talking about, one or the other isn't supposed to work.

If root is not working in the webmin interface, I'll have to defer on how it auth's users and whether it maintains a separate pw that you'll need to run a command to update.

I feel like there was something in the config had to watch out for when I updated a Gitea instance at my work but that was not a TKL build and pre-dated me (and was pretty old) so I don't think it applies here.


If I login using ssh and ls /home there is only a 'git' user.

During the console initial login - I saw no mention of a gitea user.

Gitea user is a admin user only within Gitea application. It is not a system user so you wouldn't see it in the /home directory for it nor would you be able to SSH with it or any other system action.

Git, IIRC, is the service user for the Gitea application. So it sounds like your system is setup correctly.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Thanks for jumping in Timmy! :) It's really appreciated!

@Peter - Most of Timmy's post is on point, although there are a few things. So I'll just go through the process as it's meant to work.

The root password/keypair is set by you when you launch the container via Proxmox. If you set a password for root, then that should work for logging into Webmin. Although IIRC you might need to set a root password via Proxmox to make it "stick", rather than inside the container?!

Regardless, when you first log in via SSH you should be met with a number of questions. That is where the 'gitea' user - i.e. the one to log into Gitea itself - should be set. Generally that should "just work".

Having said that, if you're not using a US-International keyboard, then perhaps some characters have been misinterpreted? If that's the case, then the password you set would have been misinterpreted but would be correctly interpreted by your web browser when logging in. Hence it not working.

If you are using a US-International keyboard, then there is a possibility that there are some problematic characters in the password you set. We have come across some software that doesn't like some characters. I wasn't aware that Gitea was one of them though. In my experience, the characters most likely to cause issues are punctuation, particularly: #$[] as well as both single and double quotes.

Regardless, you can try resetting the password from the commandline by rerunning the script that sets the password (and email & domain):


If it does appear to be specific characters causing your issue, then please let me know and we can limit the characters when first setting it.

Hope that helps and good luck!

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