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Since our v14.0 stable release (of ISOs) back in mid September[1]; we've been madly working to finalise v14.0. I am pleased to announce that all of the TurnKey build types you've come to expect are now available:
- hybrid ISO[1]
- OVA & VMDK[2]
- Docker[3]
- Proxmox & OpenNode (inc LXC/OVZ)[3]
- Xen[4]
- OpenStack[4]
I am happy (and somewhat relieved) to say that we're nearly done with 14.0. Nearly you say? Yes; a significant remaining job is to finalise the LXC host appliance. Then it'll be time to start work on v14.1!
We are also really proud to announce a truly community built appliance: TurnKey Odoo[5]. The TurnKey Community power dev combo of Landis Arnold and Ken Robinson (based on the work of Carlos Vercelino) worked hard to build a fantastic new Odoo (formerly OpenERP) appliance. Get it while it's hot!
Last but certainly not least: We need an Expert Drupal Consultant[6] to take over the website. If you know Drupal inside-out and want to become part of the TurnKey team we need to hear from you ASAP! Please see the blog post and apply now!
Until next time...
Jeremy Davis
TurnKey GNU/Linux
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Phone: +61 497-084-807