New TurnKey Postgresql version (2009.10)


  • di-live (installer) PostgreSQL component:
    • Added support for complex passwords (LP#416515).
    • Added CLI options (user/pass/query/chroot).
  • Pinned PHPPgAdmin to update directly from Debian (security).
  • Regenerates all secrets during installation / firstboot (security).

Major component versions

phppgadmin 4.2.2-1
postgresql 8.3.8-0ubuntu8.04
lighttpd 1.4.19-0ubuntu3.1

Note: Please refer to turnkey-core's changelog for changes common to all appliances. Here we only describe changes specific to this appliance.


New TurnKey PostgreSQL version (2009.02-hardy)

Release focus: security, usability, bugfixes and updates


  • support configuring postgresql password during installation
  • postgres password encryption enabled by default (security)
  • trust "postgres" user when connecting over local unix sockets (convenience)
  • set postgres password to "postgres" in live/demo mode
  • updated confconsole usage template to describe connecting with psql client
  • added postgis support
  • including webmin-postgresql

Major component versions

kernel 2.6.24-23.48
phppgadmin 4.2.2-1
postgresql 8.3.5-0ubuntu0.8.04
lighttpd 1.4.19-0ubuntu3

Note: please refer to turnkey-core's changelog for changes common to all appliances. Here we only describe changes specific to this appliance.


New TurnKey PostgreSQL appliance (2008.12.04-hardy)


  • PostgreSQL is configured to listen on port 5432 TCP on all interfaces by default
  • Host and user access should be configured in /etc/postgresql/8.3/main/pg_hba.conf
  • Exemplary firewall configuration has been setup, but not enabled.
  • PHPPgAdmin is configured to force SSL connections
    • To use your own SSL certificate, replace /etc/lighttpd/server.pem
  • This release includes all updates included in the 2008.10.17-hardy-x86 releases, such as the new configuration console, and web management interface, as well as several important bugfixes such as LP#301251 and LP#303498

Default credentials (service, username, password)

console, webmin, ssh root <blank>
postgresql / phppgadmin postgres postgres

Major component versions

kernel 2.6.24-22.45
lighttpd 1.4.19-0ubuntu3
postgresql 8.3.5-0ubuntu0.8.04
postgresql-contrib 8.3.5-0ubuntu0.8.04
phppgadmin 4.1.3-0.1
iptables 1.3.80debian1-1ubuntu2

