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Stephan - Sun, 2012/09/02 - 15:26
Hi guys.
I downloaded the Turnkey Bamboo invoice ISO and installed on a Standlone box on my Home network
When i use my notebook browser to point to this box i get a Unable to conect.
i can ping the box
Bambooinvoice box =
Notebook =
I can access the webmin page on Bambooinvoicebox as well as the Sql, but not the invoice page itself.
Any ideas what i can try please.
Still very new with Linux
Have you run through the firstboot scripts?
Assuming that you have completed the firstboot scripts I have no idea what could be wrong, especially considering that you can access Webmin ok...!?!
2 workarounds OTTOMH
But these are only useful for testing purposes. Both of these workarounds require the appliance to have a static IP set.
1) Use the static IP that the appliance will use in place of a FQDN when running through the init scripts. This is possibly the easiest for testing from multiple machines (but you need to remember the IP).
2) Add an entry to the host file on the PC(s) that you connects from. This is quite easy if you only want to contact from one machine, but the more machines you plan to connect from the more painful it gets. However this is probably an acceptable way to go if you plan to only have local access to the appliance (ie could be used beyond testing if only to be used via LAN).
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