Keith Nelson's picture

First of all - Very awesome project that you are doing, and you have totally turned my face away from Freenas which was great for a file server, but not when it came to installing MySQL which I frequently use for my sites.

I am very happy with the Joomla server for the Turnkey project and am wanting to add the samba function to it so I can drop an external drive onto the system and use that as a NAS for my computers.  Can you tell me how I would go about doing this?

And possibly a first for Turnkey - but I am very happy to report that I have this installed on a Pentium II 300mhz system with 198megs of Ram and it runs smoothly.  ;)  

I am also open to any other web server appliance this might work better on as well.

Jeremy Davis's picture

As TKL is Ubuntu 8.04 under the hood you can use programs from the Ubuntu repo.

This should work:

apt-get update
apt-get install samba 

If you use Webmin and are still using the default TKL Webmin module (ie haven't updated via the update link in Webmin) then you may also want the samba module. IMO Webmin is handy for samba admin.

apt-get install webmin-samba

If you need info on setting up Samba and/or you want to set it up from the CLI then the Ubuntu Server Guide is handy - here it is.

Keith Nelson's picture

Thank you very much!

I switched to the LAMP appliance, looks like it might suit me better since I do a lot of cross platform developing with CMS's. :)



I am using Wordpress TKL VM Appliance and wanted to get SAMBA installed on it for access.

I am unable to get a Connection to the outside world from the VM - Especially since I tried the steps you outlined above.  

I tried all possible modes inside VMWare Workstation 9 configuration - Network Settings. 

I tried both DHCP and Static modes in TKL WP VM Guest and it doesnt work. 

When I first configured the VM initially with Static IP of the same range it worked, but I think I was disconnected from the LAN at the time. 

What do I have to do? 


PS: I use Tomato Router with Static DHCP on the local LAN. 

Jeremy Davis's picture

But you may get some ideas from the Samba logs and/or logs/error messages on your Windows hosts?

Personally I think that unless you are using it as an actual file server using an SFTP client like Filezilla is much easier, more straight forward and lower maintenance (using an open source, non-proprietry protocol like SSH just works). You can even set up a 'bookmark' with 'syncronised browsing' which allows you to have mirror file trees between your client and server.

Another thing that I have found quite reliable is SSHFS (for Windows) it allows you to mount and map a SSH filesystem as a Windows drive. It is a little buggy in that if/when your computer goes to sleep SSHFS will crash on wake but that's a small price to pay IMO.

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