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ilpapabuono - Fri, 2013/12/13 - 18:37
Hi all, I'm a newbie of the cloud services so I'm sorry for the possibly silly question.
I've done a try with a micro server (LAPP) and all went well. I've configured and tailored the machine, loaded my software etc.
Now I need to:
1) Download the VM so obtained in order to give it to a customer. The customer will create an account by itself on turnkey hub and will start to use that machine, uploading the downloaded one to its account or
2) I need to transfer that machine, or a snapshot, on its account
How can I make one or both of these things? I'll have to use backup services?
Thanks in advance
IMO best way to go is use TKLBAM...
This is somethng of a rephrased/adjusted version of a recent post I made...
TKL Hub (aka The Hub) is the preferred front end for managing TKL instances on AWS and it also allows you to configure TKLBAM (TKL Backup And Migration - TKL's smart backup and migration system) as well as view previous backups. The Hub is much more user friendly (than the AWS control panel - IMO) and allows you access to the v13.0 release appliances (they are coming to AWS marketplace but as yet are not available).
So I would recommend that you use TKLBAM to migrate your data to a new appliance (owned/controlled by your customer). My recommended migration process would look something like this:
Also if I were you I'd encourage your customer to change their root password (after you've finished) so that you don't have it. Even if they trust you, unless you are going to manage it for them (which if you are then IMO you are probably better off keeping it on your account and just pass on the hosting charges too) then it reduces/eliminates the possibility of you being blamed for anything that goes wrong in the future...
Thanks, only a note:'s COMPLEX. I must say that to have a copy of a virtual machine customized by me would me more peaceful; and idem for the possibility og uploading it as a new VM.
Many thanks, in every case, I'll try to follow your instructions.
It's not really complex...
I've just explained it in minute detail. Here is the abridged version:
What you are doing in effect is copying the customisations you have made across to the customer's (clean, fresh) machine.
And the beauty of this system is that you can do your development on a local VM if you'd prefer and then migrate it to the cloud whenever you like (and back again if you choose). Also if you do a lot of work for different customers and there are some specific customisations you like to make then you can keep a 'base' or 'master' VM with just those and whenever you need to setup a new machine for a customer you can restore that backup as a starting point, tweak further as required then once happy migrate it to the customer...
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