Minocula's picture

Hi there

Sad that it took so long to create an account here...Man I'm using your servers since 2009 and i am so happy with it!


Sorry that was to say! 


Ok, friends of mine told me to check your elgg server. I've installed turnkey 64bit over iso. After setting a pw, du my network settings it happends.


After the first restart i cannot open the installer page of elgg or something else...


Following Error shown:

Fatal Error.

An unrecoverable error has occurred and has been logged. Contact the site administrator with the following information:

Exception #1424343636.  


Can you or some other elgg admin help me?


Kind regards from a big fan from switzerland

Jeremy Davis's picture

Glad to hear that TurnKey works for you! :)

TBH I'm unfamiliar with elgg but I just had a quick google and it seems that the error code is actually some sort of timestamp (rather than a specific error code). The suggested approach is to view the Apache logs and see what they say (should be /var/log/apache2).

TBH my first guess is that something went wrong with the init scripts and elgg can't connect to the DB - but that is pure wild speculation...

Minocula's picture

Hi Jeremy

After I have changed the pw of the elgg user on the db to the pw on the config file and used the url entity I've setuped it worked.

Thx and have a good day!

Jeremy Davis's picture

It sounds like the inithooks (i.e. initialisation/firstboot scripts) didn't work properly... Not sure why that would happen... Glad to hear that it is all working now though.

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