disteo's picture

Hello, I installed the LXC joomla 3 under Proxmox.

I would like to change or delete the line "Joomla3 Appliance - Powered by TurnKey Linux" that appears under each page.

How to do ?

Thanks for your help.


Will Rosner's picture

The exact location of the fix will depend on what Joomla template you're using, but the change can be implemented in the css. Wherever your main or custom css file is located, simply add the following:


#turnkey-credit {

     display: none !important;



Hope this helps!

disteo's picture

Thank you for your answer.

I have several different page template, and must be added in several css.

This is huge as work on my sites.

In addition I have pages that I have to show not as joomla and without css file. The line then appears automatically.

Same if I add a site which is not virtualhost in joomla.

How can one final way to remove this line?

Or is it programmed?

Thank you for your comeback.

Jeremy Davis's picture

So unless you intend to use the substitute module for anything else, the easiest way to disable it is to disable that module:
a2dismod substitute && service apache2 reload
If you want to understand how we include the credit footer in the first place, have a look at the source code on GitHub.

Also I understand that there are many legitimate reasons why you may want to disable the credit footer, but remember that a lot of hard work goes into these appliances. We love to be able to provide these products to the community for free download, but the credit footer is essentially marketing for us. So if you do remove the footer it would be really awesome if you consider other ways in which you might be able to give something back. As a Joomla developer, giving feedback on any friction points and/or what might make the appliance better (or better still committing code to address these) would be super awesome! :)

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