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Christopher Doss - Tue, 2017/02/07 - 18:13
I have a server with Webmin 1.780 (Debian 8). It appears I have installed something that is causing problems on the machine. However, when I do a search for the package under Installed Packages, it says it's not there. I know it's there because if I try to install it it will say it's already installed and there's nothing to do. What could be the cause of this?
Pretty sure it's a webmin bug
IMO though, just doing it via the commandline is a superior way to go. E.g. to see the available & installed version(s) and the version (if any) that is installed:
Please note that the "apt-get update" line updates the local package database. So it only needs to be run if you haven't run it recently and/or you have tweaked any of the apt config.
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