Don Zauker's picture


I'm facing a strange network related issue, I have a TK LAMP installed as VM on a ESX system, sometimes when I reboot the VM the network interface goes crazy:

non-zero exitcode (1) for command: ifdown 'eth0'

/etc/network/interfaces:14: duplicated option

ifdown: couldn't read interface file


Usually network files is:

# remove the above line if you edit this file
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
    address xx.xx.xx.xx
    netmask xx.xx.xx.xx
    gateway xx.xx.xx.xx
    dns-nameservers xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.
When it goes mad I found another line:
iface eth1 inet dhcp
but eth1 doesn't exist at all !
To fix I have to force dhcp on eth0 and reboot.
This Vm machine was installed rom CD and not moved from other virtual environment.
Jeremy Davis's picture

I'll need a bit more info than what you've provided before I'd be even make an educated guess on what might be going wrong with your setup.

Also, rather than hijacking this old thread, I suggest that you sign up (so you can start your own new support thread - requires logged in user for that link to work).

Then please provide as much info as you can about your hardware. Assuming that you're connecting via a wire plugged into a NIC, then if it's a branded PC, then the brand and model should be enough. If it's a "white box" (i.e. assembled from parts) then the motherboard manufacturer and model will help. If you're connecting via an alternate NIC (e.g. a USB or PCI/PCIe) then the brand and model of the adaptor.

Also a copy of the "useless junk" that is displayed when you try to set a static IP would also be useful (ideally copy/paste the text; but on hardware I understand that can be a pain, so even a photo is better than nothing). My guess is that the "junk" that is being displayed is a stacktrace. A stacktrace should detail the cause of the issue, or at least hints on what the issue might be.

Also the output of the following commands might give us some ideas/hints:

cat /etc/network/interfaces
ip addr
dmesg | grep -i "fail"

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