Grighana's picture


I recently install Mayan-EDMS ISO on a VM. Was able to ping '' and other sites from the terminal but when trying to fetch TurnKey-Install -Secuirty-Updates, I get connection error. Could my region be a factor?

My location is Ghana.

Can somebody help me out.




Jeremy Davis's picture

Hmm, so you can ping google ok from the machine? But not install the updates? That seems weird...

Please share the full output of both of these commands:

ping -c4
apt update

See follow up below.

Jeremy Davis's picture

So no need to post the output I asked for before as in Alfred's email, he showed me that pinging Google works, but it can't connect to the TurnKey or Debian servers.

That certainly does seem weird...

My guess is that you are behind some sort of proxy or firewall that is blocking the other IPs?!

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