ruphus's picture

hi, i am a total noob in using such appliances, a bit of linux understanding, but strong win-developer background (no SVN etc), honestly I am lost without windows ;(.

I downloaded, installed and have the Redmine/SCM appliance running. ok.

I created a personal account on the machine for me using the webmin interface. ok.

Redmine is running and I can logon with my account, I created projects there, but I cannot assign a svm or hg repository, there is always a red asteric in front.

On a different machine (windows7) I have TortoiseSVN running, using the repo-browser on (svn://local-ip-address/svn; this is the SVN address the applicance console shows me) it tells me there are no repositories.

Can somebody tell me - in NOOB-understandable simple steps:

1) how to setup the repository in SVN? (I cannot follow the previous remine+SVN posting)

2) How to configure then Remine to have access to that Repository?


many thanks


Adrian Moya's picture

You will need putty to access to your redmine server console. Download putty and login to your server with root/your password. Then, to create the repos, you must go to /srv/repos with the command:

cd /srv/repos

And then, issue the command to create the required repository. I'd recommend you subversion as is the easiest for a person with no experience, and you seem to already have the subversion client on your pc (tortoise). So, to create the repo, issue the following command:

svnadmin create myproject

Change myproject for the name you want for the repo. The close the connection. 

Now, using tortoiseSVN repo browser, connect to svn://local-ip-address/svn/myproject, and you'll see the empty repo. Create a folder named "trunk" to follow svn best practices and import your source code into svn://local-ip-address/svn/myproject/trunk. Then config redmine and you should be fine. Point redmine to  svn://local-ip-address/svn/myproject so you'll be able to see trunk and the future branches for your project. 

Read a bit about subversion best practices to understand the concept behind the trunk folder I'm suggesting. 

Hope it helps

ruphus's picture

Hi Adrian,

in fact meanwhile I tried something very similar. To be sure I redid your steps.

Tortoise on my DEV-machine then tells me "no repository found on svn://i-changed-this/svn/myproject". I cannot create 'truck' for that reason. Entering the repos in Redmine showing me as well 'The entry or revision was found in the repository', I am using 'root' user here?

With Tortoise I can easily and with no problems access a VisualSVN installation on a Windows machine, but I would really like to get a dedicated Linux machine running. So this is still not working.


Next questions, who to create a user, that can check-in to SVN and manage Issue via Redmine?

Many Thanks for helping ...


ruphus's picture

I found the problems ;-)

cd /srv/repos/svn/myproject  was working better ;-)
then the thing starts working ... I can configure Redmine ... WOW!!! Thanks
I also have now read access from tortoise.

But I cannot commit things, I get always an authentication failed.
So where is the configuration problem here? Tortoise isn't asking for any credentials as it does when it runs against my VisualSVN?

Thanks again.

Adrian Moya's picture

Now, you can create a user in svn with write permissions following standard svn procedures:

edit /srv/repos/svn/myproject/conf/svnserve.conf:

Uncomment (remove the #) the lines:


# anon-access = read --> anon-access = read
# auth-access = write --> auth-access = write
# password-db = passwd --> password-db = passwd
This is telling svn that non authorized clients can read (so redmine can read the repo) and that authorized clients can write. And that you password file is passwd
Then in the same directory, edit passwd and add an user following the examples:
myuser = password
Save the file and restart svnserve (don't know if its running with svnserve, I'm guessing here, but if you don't find how to restart svnserve, restart the server to test).
Then try to access the repo using myuser/password to authenticate yourself. The client will ask you for login credentials when you attempt to write. 
Hope that helps...
P.S.: to edit the files the easiest way is using nano. 
nano /srv/repos/svn/myproject/conf/passwd 
To save the changes: ctrl+o enter
To exit nano: ctrl x
ruphus's picture

Hi Adrian,

again this helped very much. Final question: As far as I can see, I have to do this for every Repos.

Is there a way to give general access? I am the only one working on the sources.

Nano is cool ... ;-)


Adrian Moya's picture

Yes, you could give general access simply configuring each of your repos with anon-access = write. That would give non authenticated users write permission, and you won't have to make the other changes in the file and add users. Just remember that if you can access this server from the internet, is a risk as anybody would be able to commit to the repo. 

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