
As redmine has been forked into Chiliproject, do you have any plans in producing a chiliproject appliance ?

Jeremy Davis's picture

As they already have a huge todo list. But if you

However, if you'd really like to see a Chiliproject appliance then you could develop a prototype appliance and create a TKLPatch. Dev info can be found here. Doing that will increase the chances of a Chiliproject appliance being released sometime soonish.

Speedy's picture

Well I took Turnkey Rails appliance and installed Chiliproject 2.0.  I need to figure out how to intergrate my script to automatically create the appliance.  I'm trying to learn how to so just give me a couple of weeks.  Of course if Turnkey could send me the Redmine Appliance script I could modify it quicker as I'm missing the repository options.  If you'e in a hurry i could send you a copy of my virtual machine.

Also, Turnkey if your interested I have the Rmagick install that's been working for quite sometime.  Your developers could include it on the redmine appliance as well.  I even posted it on my blog sometime ago.


Jeremy Davis's picture

In essence it's an archive which contains an install script and any files you may wish to overlay. Depending on how involved the software installation is, the patch can be quite simple, but it is also possible to build quite complex patches if need be. Check out the documentation and pull apart a few patches others have made to work out how it all works - to find patches probably easiest to use the forums tag: tklpatch.

Also if you post a working patch when I have time I can patch an ISO and upload it to the SourceForge TKL Community project (unofficial TKL stuff).

Speedy's picture

My script can be found here I still be trying to figure out the tklpatch so I thought I'd make this available to all. Don't forget to start out with the Turnkey Remine 11.1 vitual machine or iso.

If link not working try this http://jim.mcaleerblog.com/archives/507

Jeremy Davis's picture

And it looks like you could pretty much make it straight into a patch. A TKLPatch, at it's simplest is just a tar.gz archive which includes a setup script (conf) and optionally a filesystem overlay (overlay/ ie files you want included in the filesystem) and a flder for custom .debs (debs/).

In this instance you could just copy/paste that code into a default TKLPatch conf file and bundle it. The only thing I'd change would be to remove the 'apt-get update' line and 'apt-get' at the start of the apt package management commands This is because the skeleton default TKLPatch conf script includes an apt-get install function (called install) which takes care of updating and confirmation.

Speedy's picture

Sorry can't seem to get in and edit my own post.  Here is an updated link to a newer script http://jim.mcaleerblog.com/2012/05/29/turnkey-redmine-11-1-to-chiliproject-current-version/

Jeremy Davis's picture

I have just added a Blueprint of your suggestion.

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