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Administer your TKL server: How to connect to TKL appliances, edit and upload files, etc
There are many different ways to connect to TKL Appliances to edit/upload files and/or administer your server... Here are a few ideas.
Important note: When editing text (e.g. config) Linux files, ensure that you do not edit with Windows Notepad! It will cause you no end of issues! Most third party text editors are fine to use. Notepad++ is a great free open source text editor for Windows that won't mangle Linux config files. As noted elsewhere TKL appliances include both nano and vim(-tiny) commandline text editors, Webmin also includes a file browser and text editor.
Connect via a web browser
- Webshell (Web based shell/commandline access): https://<ip-or-fqdn>:12320 [use 'root' user and password]
- Webmin (Web based Admin UI): https://<ip-or-fqdn>:12321 - besides Admin UI it also includes a Java based file browser for editing/uploading/downloading files [use 'root' user and password]
Adminer (Web based MySQL/PostgreSql Admin UI - only on appliances with MySQL/PostgreSQL DB): https://<ip-or-fqdn>:12322 [MySQL: use MySQL 'root' user (not system root) and password - PostgreSQL: use user 'postgres' and relevant password].
Previous to v14.0 TurnKey included phpMyAdmin/phpPgAdmin (same username/password combo).
Connect via other client-side software
SSH (shell/commandline access) [use 'root' user and password]
- OpenSSH [Linux, OSX & Win11, can be <a href=" on earlier Win] - using ssh root@<ip-or-fqdn>
- PuTTy [Win]
SFTP/SCP [use root user and password]
- OpenSSH [Linux, OSX & Win11] - using sftp root@'<ip-or-fqdn> or scp root@'<ip-or-fqdn>
- OpenSSH [Linux, OSX & Win11] - using scp root@'<ip-or-fqdn> or scp root@'<ip-or-fqdn>
FTP/SCP GUI client such as:
- Filezilla [Win, OSX & Linux]
- WinSCP [Win only]
- Notepad++ - open source text/code editor; has an (S)FTP client built-in (via a plugin) [Win only]
- Swish - SFTP integration into Windows Explorer [Win only]
- A multitude of other Open Source and Proprietary (freeware or paid) apps - Google can help you here if you want other options...
- SSHFS (SSH File System - or similar) [use root user and password]
Server-side software options
[you will want to configure usernames and password with each of these]
- Samba - Windows style filesharing [Win, OSX & most desktop Linux OOTB] - already installed on TKL Fileserver & TKL DC
- NFS - Network File System [OSX & Linux]
WebDAV - HTTP[S] based filesystem - For security please ensure that you use TLS (i.e. HTTPS) and enable authentication. May require some config on client side although all major OS should support WebDAV. Already installed on TKL Fileserver
Other options
[you will probably configure usernames and password with each of these as you set them up]
- External Windows (or Samba) Fileshare [Win, OSX & Linux] - connect shared Win/Samba folder to TKL appliance
VM shared folders (for TKL appliances running in local VMs - shared folder resides on host)
- VMware tools (open source version already installed on TKL VMDK and OVF builds - see VMware docs for your VMware product's usage)
- VirtualBox (See VirtualBox docs for usage