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Before running an update, please ensure that you have a full backup of your site. TKLBAM is recommended for this purpose.
To update use the desired commands below and follow the prompts. Please ensure that you read any warning carefully before proceeding.
For those who wish to only apply security updates using Drush (with full Drush commands, including enabling maintenance mode before, and disabling after):
drush pm-updatestatus drush vset -y maintenance_mode 1 drush pm-update --security-only --simulate drush pm-update --security-only drush vset -y maintenance_mode 0
To update all modules using Drush, i.e. living dangerously! (using Drush alias):
drush vset -y maintenance_mode 1 drush up drush vset -y maintenance_mode 0
To update Drush itself (to latest v8.x):
cd /usr/local/src/drush git remote set-branches origin '8.x' git fetch -v # the composer.lock file was uncommited so git complains git add . git commit -m "commit composer.lock" # continue on... git checkout 8.x composer install
Note: These docs update 2018-04-03 as drush 7.x is no longer supported. To see which drush version supports which versions of Drupal, please see the Drush install Drupal compatibility matrix