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Magento Account Authentication Keys (firstboot initialisation)
During firstboot, TurnKey Magento asks for your Private and Public Account keys. These questions are optional and can be skipped. However, keys are required when updating, as well as installing third party modules and themes. If you don't add them during first boot, you'll need to add them later.
Getting your Magento Authentication Keys
As noted in the Magento docs, you can find your existing authentication keys, or generate new ones within your Magento account.
Magento keys require a Magento account. To log in, or register for an account if you don't already have one, browse to the Magento log in/registration page. Once logged into your account, you can view and manage your existing keys and create news ones from the key management page.
Adding your keys later
If you choose to skip the key configuration during firstboot, then you can add your keys within the running TurnKey Magento installation by logging into the admin area and navigating to "System -> Enable Composer updates" in the sidebar.
You can also save your keys by invoking 'composer update' from the commandline (in /var/www/magento) or by creating an auth.json file manually.
Use of composer
By default, the webserver user in TurnKey Magento is www-data, so to use composer, you will need to run as the www-data user. Under normal circumstance, log in as www-data fails, however, it is possible. I.e.:
su - www-data -s /bin/sh
Alternatively, if you only have a single command to run, then it can be included into a single line. E.g.:
su - www-data -s /bin/sh -c 'cd /var/www/magento && ls'
Note: If you are running from AWS Marketplace (using the 'admin' user rather than 'root') you will need to prefix the su command with sudo.