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Submitted by hexapodo on Mon, 2009/08/24 - 21:17
Hi, I'm Juan and I have an application in PHP y MySql to view reports and values of the MRTG monitor trafic and resources LAN and configurate equipment to observer.
I can donate this aplication for this project and I need instal MRTG.
Donations + feature request
Sorry for the late reply. The team was very busy cranking out the 2009.10 release. Note that you can suggest a feature without donating, but donations are of course encouraged as they help support the project. If you need commercial work done on priority check out our premium services page.
Hi, I developed a php
PD: I have Turnkey Lamp + munin + samba + openvpn, it is working very good and this is very safe (vpn)
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