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King Lau - Thu, 2009/12/31 - 22:04
for example, a LAMP, instead of installing it in a virtual box, put it on own my ubuntu 9.1 already running.
maybe a newbie questions
for example, a LAMP, instead of installing it in a virtual box, put it on own my ubuntu 9.1 already running.
maybe a newbie questions
You can already install a LAMP into Ubuntu
TKL is more about preconfigured appliances that don't require any or much setup. You could install LAMP yourself on top of your current Ubuntu installation but that would not be anything to do with TKL. It will still require all the tweaking and initial config (that you avoid by using TKL).
The only way to go with TKL is to either install to some virtualised environment (such as VirtualBox/VMware/KVM/etc etc) or to bare metal.
I am sure wheather my
I am sure wheather my suggestion will properly act or not. You could install LAMP yourself on top of your current Ubuntu installation but that would not be anything to do with TKL. puppies for sale
Michael Jonson
Try TKL and see how it goes.
As long as you don't delete your current VM you can always go back to it should TKL not suit your needs. If you're happy with TKL then delete it if you have no further need for it.
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