Gabriele's picture

Location: see attached file

Intended for: Apply to TKL Core

Description: Linux, Xmail, Apache, PHP, PhpXmail, Uebimiau

Default accounts :
login linux: root/nopasswd
ctrlaccounts for server mail: root/root

This appliance it's a server mail that use xmail server.

Phpxmail: it's a web management console of the server xmail.

Uebimiau: it's a web mail client integrated with xmail server

I hope it is useful



Liraz Siri's picture

Sorry for the ridiculously late reply. I was searching the site for tklpatch related posts to tag and rediscovered your patch, which shamefully enough seems to have fallen between the cracks during one of those unfortunate periods when we had our hands full with other stuff. Sorry about that.

Anyhow, we will take another look at xmail for part 2 of the upcoming TurnKey Linux 11.0 release. If we think the software can provide users with a good user experience we'll add it, but from a cursory look xmail / uebimiau seem a bit rough around the edges and poorly supported.

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