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Gabriele - Fri, 2010/02/26 - 13:34
Location: see attached file
Intended for: Apply to TKL Core
Description: Linux, Xmail, Apache, PHP, PhpXmail, Uebimiau
Default accounts :
login linux: root/nopasswd
ctrlaccounts for server mail: root/root
This appliance it's a server mail that use xmail server.
Phpxmail: it's a web management console of the server xmail.
Uebimiau: it's a web mail client integrated with xmail server
I hope it is useful
Seems to have fallen between the cracks
Anyhow, we will take another look at xmail for part 2 of the upcoming TurnKey Linux 11.0 release. If we think the software can provide users with a good user experience we'll add it, but from a cursory look xmail / uebimiau seem a bit rough around the edges and poorly supported.
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