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Jomy Muttathil - Fri, 2010/10/08 - 18:43
Adrian has created a patch for a Turnkey Client Appliance.
I have created a wallpaper and "start" menu icon for the client.
The wallpaper was designed to tile seamlessly no matter what size your desktop is.
If the design is approved, I can create several color variations.
Your feedback is appreciated.
--update 10-11-10--
I have added three variations on a theme.
A new TKL desktop with a space theme.
All are orange and purple with varying degrees of contrast and details.
--update 2--
Modified the original tiling desktop based on your feedback.
I found it a bit brownish for my taste
I don't know if the TKL theme will change from brown to purple/orange to match the current official Lucid theme. I personally prefer those colors, but of course, the TKL logo should change too. Do you think you can post a purple one with a bit of orange, to see how it looks like? try to lower the contrast of the image too, I think its a bit high.
As I just commented in another thread
I'm not too sure about your wallpaper Jomy (but good on you for doing it and sharing) but i love your 'Key' button, thats excellent! Your idea of making a wall paper that will tile nicely regardless of resolution is a good one (rather than having to stretch it or produce multiple copies at differing resolutions).
I too hope that TKL will switch to the new Ubuntu colours as I find them much more pleasing on the eye. We'll have to wait and see.
I like them better!
I think the milkyway is my favorite. I'll have to see it in the TKLCLient itself, good job with those.
Nice work Jomy
They look awesome. I particulary like the 3 'space' wallpapers (probably supernova the best). I also quite like the new purple tile wallpaper.
Sorry I still haven't uploaded my sons wallpaper (keep forgetting to ask him about it when he's about).
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