Adrian Moya's picture

I thought I would not be the first to post this info in the forums, but yes, TKL Lucid Appliances are already out! Thanks for the great work guys!!! (Liraz & Alon)

Three new great appliances come in this first release! Magento, Prestashop & Vtiger! Be sure you check them out! 

Download the ISOs from here.

Happy holidays everybody!

Alon Swartz's picture

Some quick notes in case someone comes across this thread prior to the official announcement.

  • TKLBAM profiles: The profiles have yet to be created. You can still use the appliances and perform a backup/migration once they are available.
  • The changelogs, signature files for verification and manifests for each appliance are available here. For example, this is the changelog for TurnKey Core.
  • Amazon EC2 AMI's have been uploaded and are available for deployment. We are working on updating the Hub to support them, as well as a legacy option for the old builds. If you can't wait, just search for turnkey-$APP-11.0 using the AWS console or CLI tools and deploy them directly.

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