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Serge Wautier - Mon, 2011/09/26 - 15:14
Hi All,
First of all, congratulations for the Turnkey concept. I just discovered it and already wonder how I could live without it until now.
A customer of mine wants to package its RHEL-based SaaS public software into a VM. One of the problem being initial configuration, I am very much interested in confconsole.
Question: Is there a port of confconsole to RHEL?
Apologies if this kind of question is a FAQ.
TIA for your help,
ConfConsole is currently Ubuntu/Debain only
Although AFAIK it's open source and the source code is available. I'm sure you could get it to run under RHEL although it may require a little tweaking. Have a look at otherwise i think they also host some code on their GitHub account.
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