evalina's picture

Hello everybody,
am a bit new here.

My first question is, if I am on the right place here?
I feel like been in the wrong place.

Am looking for some forum where I can ask or find about "General questions" I have about Apache sometimes.

Am not sure, if I am on the right "Forum" or if this is the "right category"

Thank u!

Jeremy Davis's picture

But there is a mailing list.

If you are using Apache on a Linux OS, probably the best place to get Apache support would be on the forum/mailing list of your relevant distro. There are also quite a few generic Linux support forums around the web which may be of use.

In my experience, often many of the common questions have aleady been answered and google can often find them, with a little patience.

If you are on Windows then I have no idea to be honest but there are probably generic forums about.

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