Chris Sirrs's picture

Hi everyone,

As suggested in issue #605 in the GitHub tracker, I'm looking into creating a set of consolidated guidelines for contributions to TKL. While I've browsed the contributing.mds of other open source projects to get a basic idea of what a centralised set of guidelines might look like, I'm hoping to get some general feedback from the community prior to writing the doc. That being said, feel free to let me know if you have any ideas or if there is anything that you think should / should not be included in these guidelines.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Thanks for starting this thread Chris and trying to get some input. I'm not sure how we'll go getting others to share their thoughts but we won't know if we don't try! :)

I'm sure you've already seen it, but for the benefit of others passing by; my thoughts are outlined on the tracker in issue #605.

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