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Key Turner - Fri, 2020/07/24 - 13:00
Note that PostgreSQL 12 will become the minimum required version in GitLab 13.6.0 (November 2020). Please consider upgrading your environment to a supported PostgreSQL version soon, see the related epic for details.
GitLab greeted me with the message above after an upgrade to 13.2.0
Given the fact that Turnkey GitLab is still based on Debian 9 and Debian 10 has only Postgres 11 shipped with it, I believe now would be the perfect time to start updating the infrastructure beneath the Turnkey GitLab appliance. (to have it ready by November)
Which appliance are you using?
If you are using TurnKey GitLab v15.2 or newer (check via 'turnkey-version' if not sure), then PostgreSQL is installed as part of the bundled GitLab "Omnibus" installer. So I would assume that that will install an updated PostgreSQL when required?!
If you're using an older version of TurnKey GitLab, then I recommend migrating to the newer appliance.
Also FWIW the v16.0 release of our GitLab appliance (based on Debian 10/Buster) shouldn't be far away.
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