Guest's picture

How can I migration from Mnesia to SqlServer by putting in order the .yml file on windows OS?I did it but I con't login?
auth_method: odbc
sql_type: sql
sql_server: "localhost"
sql_database: "Ejabberd"
sql_username: "sa"
sql_password: "a@123456"


auth_method: sql
sql_server: "DSN=Ejabberd;UID=sa;PWD=pa@123456"

attached Ejabberd.yml

Jeremy Davis's picture

My guess is that you've posted in the wrong place?!

This is the TurnKey Linux forums. We do not offer any SQLserver support (or support for any MS product) and I've never heard of "Mnesia" before.

I suggest that you get in contact with someone directly related to whatever project your working with?! If you're not sure, try google. Perhaps someone else has already answered your question?!

Good luck...

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