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Submitted by Guest on Sun, 2009/05/10 - 19:26
I got the LAMP appliance set-up quickly and was really pleased with how easy it was, but I was setting it up as a sandboxed dev area to test out a PEAR library. Setting up PEAR turned out to be a dead end.
Has anyone had any success setting up PEAR? What process did you follow? I went down a couple of different routes (apt-get, go-pear.php) and ran into a dead end with each. apt-get could not locate the library and go-pear was a CLI issue I think... it was late last night when I was working on that option.
If anyone has had success getting PEAR working, I would love to hear about your method.
php-pear and friends...
This package contains the base PEAR classes for PHP, as well as the PEAR installer. Many PEAR classes are already packaged for Debian, and can be easily identified by names beginning with "php-", such as php-db and php-auth. Note: to build and install precompiled PECL extensions, you will need one of the php development packages installed.
You might find these packages helpful: Installing the required packages should be as easy as: Note: you will probably also want the php5-dev package if you are doing development.
Hope the above helps, good luck!
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