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Bino Oetomo - Thu, 2010/01/07 - 04:37
Dear All ..
I want to start learning tklpatch.
The problem is I only have one PC with Jaunty Installed, and this is where I do my daily activity.
Is it safe to apt-get install tklpatch in this pc (since the repo is "hardy") ?
It may work but I wouldn't do that if I were you
How about you install VirtualBox or VMware Server/Player or KVM or some other virtualisation software and run a TKL appliance inside that? Then if you mess something up you're not going to destroy your working computer!
Ya ... I'll do that . I just
Ya ...
I'll do that .
I just looking for chance not to have to re-download hardy ISO, since my internet connection is verry limited
Thankyou for your enlightment.
Download TurnKey Core not Ubuntu Hardy
Note that if you've already downloaded any other appliance you can also use that. Core is just the smallest one.
Thats great ... Well ...
Thats great ...
Well ... actualy currently my hardy download processs is 94%
But ... i'll also download that core ... I'll need it anyway
Thankyou for that good news
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