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I have recently installed the current turnkey Mediawiki appliance on an old PC. All works very well and im happy as.
Im very new to using a LAMP type server. When i type in the site address ***.***.***.*** onto the browser it automatically goes to http://***.***.***.***/index.php/Main_page as it is a wiki site.
However i would like to put a link on the wiki site to goto to a webpage outside the wiki site but on the same server. How do i achieve this ? (eg http://***.***.***.***/phpscripts/database_input.php).
I want users to access the php file so they can input details into a data base.
I would like to know how to include the sample path, path & filename, eg http://***.***.***.***/phpscripts/database_input.php on the Turnkey Mediawiki appliance so i can get to it with my web browser.
If i type this into the browser address bar I get 'file not found'.
I want to use the same PC box for running additional scripts along side the wiki server.
TKL MediaWiki doesn't use default Apache2 config
You will find the root webpage folder at /usr/share/mediawiki (rather than the apache2 default /var/www). You should be able to simply put your custom page into your TKL appliance by moving the /phpscripts folder (with your database_input.php inside it) to the /usr/share/mediawiki folder.
Linking to that from within the wiki should be as simple as adding a link as you would normally.
I figured this out and tested it on my older verion of TKL MediaWiki, hopefully it works for you too.
PHP scripts on Turnkey Mediawiki site
ill try it
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