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Submitted by Guest on Fri, 2011/04/22 - 15:03
Hi all and thanks a lot for your work. I m a french user so sory for my bad english :(
I have a problem using redmine and proxypass. Here is the problem:
I have a front server with apache that is used on internet.
I have a second server with redmine ( Turnket 11.1) used on intranet.
I want to add a proxypass on my internet server tu use a conection to my redmine server from internet. I already use this for my knowledgetree server and it works.
So on my main apache server i add that:
#These lines are for knowledgetree and works ProxyPass /ktdms http://192.X.X.X/ktdms ProxyPassReverse /ktdms http://192.X.X.X/ktdms
#These lines are for redmine and dont works :( ProxyPass /projets http://192.X.X.Y:80 ProxyPassReverse /projets http://192.X.X.Y:80
Can you help me?
I have no idea really
But I'd try without the port eg
But I'm only guessing...
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