mrgeeky's picture

Sorry guys, a newby here. Can anyone tell me what linux O/S does Turnkey wordpress run on? Does anyone know?

Also, when installing turnkey wordpress to vmware player, do i need to prep vmware player first. Do I need to create a virutal driver first in vmware player first?

Also, for the install do I have to click on the vmdk or the vmx file? For some reason, I have two files when I unzipped the turnkey wordpress installation zipfile. Why are there two files, what does each do?


Any advice appreciated.


Jeremy Davis's picture

It's been a long time since I've used any VMware products but from memory it's simply a case of just doing an 'import' of the vmx.

As for the files, I think the way it works is the the .vmx file is the virtual machine config file and the .vmdk file is the actual hard drive image.

Bottom line: have a play and test it out. You won't break anything, and if for some reason something goes really wrong, you can always unzip and start again! :)

mrgeeky's picture

think its installed, but now its asking for a password.

I tried admin with password turnkey. No joy.

admin admin no joy.

tried passwords i was asked to use during install.. Still no joy..


stuffed if I know. :-(

Jeremy Davis's picture

So when you first boot the appliance you need to set your 'root' (Linux administrator) password and your WordPress admin password. Once you have done this it should bring you to the config console where you should see the (DHCP assigned) IP and a list of relevant ports and the corresponding services that can be used. You can then set a static IP and/or exit out of config console to the commandline.

Personally, from this point on I don't use the window anymore; I do all further interaction either via a web browser, FTP client or SSH session/client.

Because TKL is designed for use as a headless (ie with no monitor etc) server, when you are ready to actually use your appliance then you'll need to browse to the relevant IP in your web browser (on a PC with a network connection to the appliance). The default WordPress user is admin IIRC and the password would be whatever you set.

[update] If you wish to run the first boot scripts again, then you can manually re-run them from commandline (ie from within the appliance window - exit out of config console) or an SSH session - log in with the root user and the first password you setn. Then browse to the relevant folder, eg:

cd /usr/lib/inithooks/bin

list the contents like so:


and run the relevant python script (it should be something like or similar) like so:


mrgeeky's picture

thanks for the help... still couldnt do anything with command prompt..

Kept ignorning password.. 

Logged on using browser and it accepted my password and the user name admin..

So Im in...


Thank you for the help Jeremy.. really appreciated.. thanks mate.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Not sure how familiar you are with Linux, but a common pitfall when logging in at the commandline is thinking that the password is not working because the screen gives no acknowledgement of keypresses. In other words as you are typing your password, nothing seems to happen. But if you type your password and hit enter it should work (or let you know if the password is wrong). Was that your problem?

If that still doesn't work and you can't log in then you can reset the root password using a live CD (or ISO is better in a VM environment). But seeing as it's a fresh setup, you're probably better off just trashing what you have and starting again. Although obviously commandline root access is not needed for day to day work with your appliance (ie using WordPress) it may be come necessary at some point so I would advise you to get that sorted before you put too much data in.

And no worries on the help. That's what I do! :)

mrgeeky's picture

Ok, looks like I need to get that sorted first.. It just keeps saying password invalid or wrong password or somethign like that, yet it lets me log with the admin password in the browser..

Im a pc tech, I know  windows. But I have never had any exposure to linux, well not much. So im a noob when it comes to linux.. I figured now was as gooder time as any to start learning as I need to use wordpress. My goal is to use word press to be able to make websites, but then I'll use dreamweaver to panelbeat the sites to get them looking the way I want.

 Will definitely heed your advice above. All good learning...

thanks again Jeremy.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Just joking! :) But there is some truth to it... Many, many things are quite different in Linux (as you would've no doubt realised already). I too was once a Windows tech type, but have transitioned to Linux totally at home (desktops, laptops and server) as well as work (all backend servers, although I do still have a 2k3 VM running on PVE - Linux hypervisor). Now I have my head around it, I personally find Linux easier to work with and much easier to get (free) assistance with when things go wrong. The level of online documentation for Linux is simply incredible and the friendliness and willingness to help out within the Linux community is something I had never experienced prior! Not to say that there aren't friendly, helpful Windows types or a**hole Linux types but as a general rule...

Anyway, back to the situation at hand. Yes get your root password sorted and you'll be good to go. It should've been the first password it asked you for when you first booted your VM (the password for the Linux root user and the WP admin will be different - unless of course you set them the same initially). It will ask for confirmation of both passwords (so when you first set them you'll have to type them each in twice). The root password is used when logging in locally (commandline after you exit out of config console) or remotely (either via SSH or WebShell). It is also the user/pass used for Webmin (a very cool Linux Admin WebUI) and for file transfers using SFTP.

For a Windows user such as yourself, I recommend 2 pieces of software: an FTP client (I personally prefer Filezilla, although many swear by WinSCP - any FTP client that supports SFTP should do the job) and an SSH client (PuTTY is the go IMO). Some prefer to use shared folders for working with the Linux filesystem. Either via VMtools (which incidentally should be preinstalled) or Samba (Win/SMB shared folders). Samba requires install and some config (in the WordPress appliance anyway) so unless you're ready to steepen your learning curve, I'd give that a miss for now. Personally I prefer SFTP anyway - partially because I use Linux at home anyway, but also because Filezilla is cross platform so I use it both at home and at work - keeps things consistent accross platforms.

Anyway, I'm rambling so I'll leave you with it for now... Anymore questions, don't hesitate to ask, although I'm pretty busy ATM and will be away for a bit after this week so may be a little slow to respond.

For issues that are genric in nature, just remember that TKL is based on Ubuntu 10.04 (also known as 'Lucid') and google will be your friend!

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