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james bond - Thu, 2011/09/15 - 18:25
Unable To login into the metasploitable OS.
I've tried searching the entire web for the commands that allow me access inside but i cant find any.
First is this:
Metasploitable Login:
I use 'msfadmin' as username and password here to get the next line:
What next now...
This seems like a noob question, but i just cant get any proper answer to this anywhere..
Could someone please give me a complete tutorial on how to use metasploitable.
I have the metasploitable on one VMware workstation and backtrack5 on another VMware workstation.
How do i configure metasploitable...
I posted this question on another forum but got very little detail on how to use metasploitable.
Seriously need an immediate answer to this as soon as possible!!
metasploitable is not a
metasploitable is not a turnkey based system so I don't think you'll get much help here.
You might want to try at the metasploit community if you haven't already. Links can be found in the metasploitable announcement:
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