Guest's picture

I am using Amazon EC2 services. I am trying to connect to the ftp server to upload files.

I am connect,login to the FTP server, even create dir on the remote path. But I cannot list the files on the remote path or upload files to the server. When I try to upload a files I get the error :

"Connection closed without indication" when I execute the app thru' an emulator.

"Connection timed out: connect" when I execute the app thru' an android device.

When I try to list the files in a dir I get the error:

"java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/oro/text/regex/MalformedPatternException"

Please help me.

Brian's picture

I think that an EC2 would not, out of the box, allow ftp. It almost certainly has no active ftp server running. This applies to a standard Amazon ec2 that I have rather than whatever the turnkey has. I think it is likely to be set up for SCP rathre than FTP.

Brian Lockwood
OSS enthusiast

Jeremy Davis's picture

SFTP should work OOTB. I have used it with AWS no worries. I use Filezilla but have heard others happy with WinSCP (if using Windows, Filezilla cross platform).

David Gambier's picture

I am unable to find any FTP settings required for Magento connector, without this Magento does not install modules. Do you know how I go about creating or finding the FTP settings?


David Gambier | Shuffle Innovations Limited

Telephone: +44 843 289 3229 | Fax: 0844 357 1978 | Skype: gambierd

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